2,是QuickBuild功能的延伸,使QuickBuild功能更强大。比如用户可以用脚本编辑自己的视觉工具,以及可以访问更多的API提供数据(如Blob 的外接矩形框)。
1.1 VisionPro项目组成简介
VisionPro通过”多态”技术实现脚本功能,VisionPro 的每一Job、toolGroup、toolBlock对象都含有一个接口对象,用户通过重写接口方法实现自定义拓展功能。以toolGroup为例, ICogToolGroupScript接口中定义了子类中必须实现的函数,当toolGruoup执行到某一节点(工具准备运行、工具运行完成等)时会调用相应的接口函数实现用户指定的功能。如果你对接口、多态理解不够深入,你只需要明白脚本就是**“填空题”**,VisionPro在适当的位置给你留下空白,在这个空白区域你可以在满足条件的情况下“自由发挥”,实现你想要实现的功能。
2.1 toolGroup脚本类
以ToolGroup脚本为例展开,toolGroup 脚本是继承于CogToolGroupBaseScript,实现了ICogToolGroupScript接口,该接口有四个方法,详细介绍如下:
public class CogToolGroupBaseScript : ICogToolGroupScript
public virtual bool GroupRun(ref string message,ref Cognex.VisionPro.CogToolResultConstants result)
return true;
public virtual void ModifyCurrentRunRecord(ICogRecord currentRecord)
public virtual void ModifyLastRunRecord(ICogRecord lastRecord)
public virtual void Initialize(Cognex.VisionPro.ToolGroup.CogToolGroup host)
toolGroup = host;
protected Cognex.VisionPro.ToolGroup.CogToolGroup toolGroup=null;
Initialize() 顾名思义,该方法用于对toolGroup工具进行初始化,当退出脚本编辑工具时脚本会进行编译并进行初始化,此时该方法会被调用。此外,在对该group通过*.vpp文件进行加载时也会被立即调用。所以,所有的“一次性”的初始化工作都应该写在该方法中。
ModifyCurrentRunRecord() 方法用于修改CurrentRecord,在toolGroup的CurrentRecord被创建后调用。
ModifyLastRunRecord() 方法用于修改LastRunRecord,在toolGroup的LastRunRecord被创建后调用,例如:在最终生成图像中添加标签、该表颜色、用不同几何图像标记目标区域。
成员变量toolGroup为CogToolGroup类型,该类的runTool方法用于运行指定视觉工具;Tools 属性为当前Group的工具集合,一般用于获取当前工具组中某一工具的引用;DefineScriptTerminal、GetScriptTerminalData、SetScriptTerminalData 方法用于定义、获取、设置输入输出终端。
using System;
using Cognex.VisionPro;
using Cognex.VisionPro3D;
using Cognex.VisionPro.ToolGroup;
public class UserScript : CogToolGroupBaseScript
public override bool GroupRun(ref string message, ref CogToolResultConstants result)
for (Int32 toolIdx = 0; toolIdx < toolGroup.Tools.Count; toolIdx++)
toolGroup.RunTool(toolGroup.Tools[toolIdx], ref message, ref result);
return false;//默认情况下为false表示用户可以控制工具的运行顺序,返回值为true则运行当前Group中所有工具。
public override void ModifyCurrentRunRecord(Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord currentRecord)
public override void ModifyLastRunRecord(Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord lastRecord)
public override void Initialize(CogToolGroup host)
2.2 toolBlcok脚本类
与toolGroup脚本类似,toolBlock的脚本父类CogToolBlockAdvancedScriptBase,该类实现的接口与toolGroup相同,都是ICogToolGroupScript,不同之处在于toolBlock与两个脚本基类,CogToolBlockSimpleScript 与 CogToolBlockAdvancedScript 分别用于“简单脚”与“复杂”脚本,两者之间的区别在于复杂脚本能够实现:①动态定义toolBlock的输入输出终端,② 能够访问当前工具块所包含工具的所有属性与方法 ,为保证与toolGroup脚本使用的统一性,推荐直接使用复杂脚本。
1 //使用简单脚本为输出赋值
Outputs.Degrees = Inputs.Radians * 180 / Math.PI;
this.mToolBlock.Outputs["Degrees"].Value = ((double) this.mToolBlock.Inputs["Radians"].Value) * 180 / Math.PI;
public class CogJobBaseScript : ICogJobScript
public virtual void Initialize(CogJob jobParam)
job = jobParam;
public virtual void AcqFifoConstruction(ICogAcqFifo fifo)
{ }
ublic virtual void PreAcquisition()
{ }
public virtual void PostAcquisition(ICogImage image)
{ }
public virtual bool PostAcquisitionRef(ref ICogImage image)
return true;
public virtual bool PostAcquisitionRefInfo(ref ICogImage image, ICogAcqInfo info)
return PostAcquisitionRef(ref image);
protected CogJob job = null;
Initialize() 初始化方法,获取当前job引用以及用户需要的初始化数据。
PreAcquisition() 在FIFO的StartAcquire()方法调用之前被调用,即在进行图像采集之前调用,如在图像采集之前设置曝光、增益、对比度等图像参数。
PostAcquisition() 在图像采集完成之后被调用。
PostAcquisitionRef() 该方法与 PostAcquisition 类似,不同之处在于 image 是以引用的方式传递,如果这个方法返回 Ture , VisionPro 将处理这个 image,如果这个方法返回 False ,这个 image 将不会被立即进行处理 ,而是采集下一幅图像,这可以使你能够在处理所取的多个 image 之前将它们联合在一起.(如果 PostAcquisition 和 PostAcquisitionRef 都被重写,PostAcquisition 将被忽略)。例如你需要同一个相机采集多张不同曝光的图像进行合成(或者拼图功能),并不是每次采集后都立即进行处理,而是采集到固定数量或者满足某一条件时进行处理。
PostAcquisitionRefInfo() 与PostAcquisiitonRef相似,多了一个参数,用户可以通过ICogAcqInfo获取图像的时间戳,重写该方法后 PostAcquisition 、PostAcquisitionRef、 PostAcquisitionRef会被忽略
3.1 job本实用实例-----自动调节曝光时间
step2 配置->作业属性->编辑脚本->C#脚本,进入Job脚本编辑环境
1using System;
using Cognex.VisionPro;
using Cognex.VisionPro.QuickBuild;
using Cognex.VisionPro.ImageProcessing;
public class UserScript : CogJobBaseScript
double exposure = 10;
#region "When an Acq Fifo Has Been Constructed and Assigned To The Job"
// This function is called when a new fifo is assigned to the job. This usually
// occurs when the "Initialize Acquisition" button is pressed on the image source
// control. This function is where you would perform custom setup associated
// with the fifo.
public override void AcqFifoConstruction(Cognex.VisionPro.ICogAcqFifo fifo)
#region "When an Acquisition is About To Be Started"
// Called before an acquisition is started for manual and semi-automatic trigger
// models. If "Number of Software Acquisitions Pre-queued" is set to 1 in the
// job configuration, then no acquisitions should be in progress when this
// function is called.
public override void PreAcquisition()
// To let the execution stop in this script when a debugger is attached, uncomment the following lines.
// #if DEBUG
// if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
// #endif
ICogAcqExposure IExposure = job.AcqFifo.OwnedExposureParams;
IExposure.Exposure = exposure;
#region "When an Acquisition Has Just Completed"
// Called immediately after an acquisition has completed.
// Return true if the image should be inspected.
// Return false to skip the inspection and acquire another image.
public override bool PostAcquisitionRefInfo(ref Cognex.VisionPro.ICogImage image,
Cognex.VisionPro.ICogAcqInfo info)
// To let the execution stop in this script when a debugger is attached, uncomment the following lines.
// #if DEBUG
// if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
// #endif
CogHistogram curImageHist = new CogHistogram();
CogHistogramResult curHistResult = curImageHist.Execute(image,null);
exposure *= 0.75;
if(curHistResult.Mean < 50)
exposure *= 1.5;
exposure = 0.1;
return true;
//Perform any initialization required by your script here.
public override void Initialize(CogJob jobParam)
//DO NOT REMOVE - Call the base class implementation first - DO NOT REMOVE
3.2 toolBlock脚本使用实例-----显示Blob区域的中心坐标于当前Blob区域
在进行脚本编辑之前,根据用户需要添加程序集以及命名空间 ,添加引用程序集的具体过程如下图所示:
step1. 根据需求添加程序集以及命名空间
step2. 声明对应toolBlock的相关变量以及用户自定义变量
step3. 在Initialize()函数中获取toolBlock中工具的引用
step4. 在GroupRun()方法中通过工具变量控制工具的执行顺序以及获取所需用户数据
step5. 修改Record得到用户所需效果
1 //==========================step1===================================
#region namespace imports
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Cognex.VisionPro;
using Cognex.VisionPro.ToolBlock;
using Cognex.VisionPro3D;
using Cognex.VisionPro.Blob;
using Cognex.VisionPro.ResultsAnalysis;
public class CogToolBlockAdvancedScript : CogToolBlockAdvancedScriptBase
#region Private Member Variables
private Cognex.VisionPro.ToolBlock.CogToolBlock mToolBlock;
private CogBlobTool mBlob;
private List<CogGraphicLabel> mLabels;
/// <summary>
/// Called when the parent tool is run.
/// Add code here to customize or replace the normal run behavior.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">Sets the Message in the tool's RunStatus.</param>
/// <param name="result">Sets the Result in the tool's RunStatus</param>
/// <returns>True if the tool should run normally,
/// False if GroupRun customizes run behavior</returns>
public override bool GroupRun(ref string message, ref CogToolResultConstants result)
// To let the execution stop in this script when a debugger is attached, uncomment the following lines.
// #if DEBUG
// if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
// #endif
// Run each tool using the RunTool function
//foreach(ICogTool tool in mToolBlock.Tools)
//mToolBlock.RunTool(tool, ref message, ref result);
mToolBlock.RunTool(mBlob, ref message, ref result);
CogBlobResultCollection blobs = mBlob.Results.GetBlobs();
foreach(CogBlobResult blob in blobs)
CogGraphicLabel tempLabel = new CogGraphicLabel();
tempLabel.Alignment = CogGraphicLabelAlignmentConstants.BaselineCenter;
tempLabel.SetXYText(blob.CenterOfMassX, blob.CenterOfMassY, Convert.ToString(blob.CenterOfMassX)+","+Convert.ToString(blob.CenterOfMassY));
tempLabel.Color = CogColorConstants.Red;
return false;
#region When the Current Run Record is Created
/// <summary>
/// Called when the current record may have changed and is being reconstructed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="currentRecord">
/// The new currentRecord is available to be initialized or customized.</param>
public override void ModifyCurrentRunRecord(Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord currentRecord)
#region When the Last Run Record is Created
/// <summary>
/// Called when the last run record may have changed and is being reconstructed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lastRecord">
/// The new last run record is available to be initialized or customized.</param>
public override void ModifyLastRunRecord(Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord lastRecord)
foreach(CogGraphicLabel label in mLabels)
mToolBlock.AddGraphicToRunRecord(label, lastRecord, "CogBlobTool1.InputImage"," ");
#region When the Script is Initialized
/// <summary>
/// Perform any initialization required by your script here
/// </summary>
/// <param name="host">The host tool</param>
public override void Initialize(Cognex.VisionPro.ToolGroup.CogToolGroup host)
// DO NOT REMOVE - Call the base class implementation first - DO NOT REMOVE
// Store a local copy of the script host
this.mToolBlock = ((Cognex.VisionPro.ToolBlock.CogToolBlock)(host));
mBlob = this.mToolBlock.Tools["CogBlobTool1"] as CogBlobTool;
mLabels = new List<CogGraphicLabel>();
4.1 脚本是“插件”程序集
3,运行脚本时附加调试器。打开Visual Studio选择“工具”->“附加到进程...”,选择进程并单击“附加”,将调试器附加到进程如下图,完成点击运行按钮便可自动切换到Visual Studio中进行脚本的调试了。
用户在脚本中编写的代码会成为VisionPro程序的一部分,其中的bug也不可避免影响到VisionPro 的运行。
4.2 脚本实现事件与委托
事件响应函数中要增加异常处理机制(Try …Catch),否则容易导致VisionPro运行出现异常;