nanyue 2024-10-31 13:48:41 技术文章 6 ℃
一、首先是刺杀专精(Assassin Spec Tree)
1、暗影步(shadow step):既然左侧职业树已经有了1个暗影步,刺杀贼真的需要2次暗影步吗?尤其在点数紧张的情况下,这么关键的位置?Since left Class Tree already provide 1 time Shadow step, did Assassin Rogue REALLY need 2 times? Especially the Spec Treetalent point is very limited, put shadow step here, it a good idea?
Thewhole spec tree,designer show us a impression:
right branch=bleeding enhanced;
mid branch=posion enhanced;
left branch= skill enhanced and Comprehensive enhanced(like Zoldyrk)
in this concept, why put 2(deathmark) in middle(as a bleeding skill,itsuppose be in right branch).
For 3(lethal dose) in right, it more confused. It's a posion and bleeding enhanced talent. For the name, it should be divid into mid, as posion enhanced type. For the effect, it both enhanced posion and bleeding, like Zoldyrk, so, it should put in left with Zoldyrk.
Let's check backFrom 8 to 5, what ever, put the posion in mid branch isUnreasonable. Compare to the 3 branch:
skilland comprehensive enhanced;
posion enhanced;
bleeding enhanced.
Commonly, a metal normal guy will put skill and Comprehensive enhanced talent in mid branch(like Zoldyrk, and abovementioned Lethal Dose).
Even from the weightFacts, this is no reason put the posion enhanced in mid. why? Because whatever according to first impression, or Damage Meter test, in 10.0, posion damage will onlytake a small part, the big parts always are Bleeding and Skill damage.
So, the designer 3 branch desgin, shows his/her mind chaos.
5、6、7,I did a research in other class spec. till to now, like Frozen DK\Unholy DK\Havoc DH\Fury Warrior, there is NO talent taking 3 point. At most is 2. However, Assassin 2th rank, all talent takes 3 point. Is that FAIR? (like DK's frozen Dargon, such power skill, only take 1 point)
二、再来是敏锐专精(Sub Spec TalentTree)
If u played 9.2, u will know it. [Shuriken Tornado]and [Falgllation] is a combo talent. And it's also the only reason that why Sub rogue can have a place in 15+ dungeon. However,u must have both of them to create a lot ofAOE damage. If u just have single one, then it will be useless.
Also, [slient strom] took a key place, for enough AOE damage,u must have it. Well, these 3 talent took 3 luxury/limited talent.However,designer don't care about it. Seems they thought, u can have part of them, it won't effect your AOEdamage. But the truth is——player don't have right to Choose(these 3 are "must have" talents)
these 2 are both of Vanish enchanced talent. [with out a trace] is ok, but [Invigorating shadowdust] is OUTLAW's legendary. Don't forget just in 9.25, this [shadowdust] legendary are ONLY 2 legendary chooseble for OUTLAW(another one ispistal legendary). U never consider about How outlaw player's feeling?
[shadow mist]. as ultimate talent, looks not strong.... it really match for the position it takes as a ULTIMATE skill? we doubt!
I remember it comes out first time as 1 talent. now u cut it as 2 talent. It's Sub spectalent too much?(no, it's very shortage/limited)
三、最后是狂徒专精,目前还能看(Last is Outlaw Spec Tree)
1、还击。把闪避加入输出循环?嗯,听起来蛮高端的操作。但你居然占我1个宝贵的天赋点?放到职业树里,或者白送还差不多。Riposte.put [dodging]in damage circle? sound high-end operation. good. but what? u take 1 of my luxury specpoint? If u put it in Class tree, or free give, then i will conside.
[Precise cut]. Amazing new talent. wow! cool! genius. However, when u try finish the point from [mark 1], and last ultimate[Green Skin], u will find, i still need 1 pointto have this. if no 31 point, u will not have it! Look great, but can't have it. Genius Designer!
3、精力+10%。这么重要的前排天赋,你给了我10%精力。是盗贼比DH还脆还是怎样?放到职业树里我都不一定点,何况是专精树!Stamina+10%。 Such important place put such useless talent. It rogue more easy dead than havocDH? Even put it in Class Tree, player could not choose it, let alone Spec Tree.
4、除了中间的还好一点外,其他2个堪称垃圾天赋的代表。连点1点都觉得浪费,居然无故占了2个技能点。边上2个技能各占2点,没有道理!except mid one, other 2 are almost useless skill. and they dare to take 2 point each......that makesno sense.
Last is about Ambush Faction. it's a good try.However, it based on half price pistal, and then count in45% chance. So, compare to Assassin Rogue, it provide directly40% chance(when target <30% HP)Plus, it also need Class Tree many talent to be with it. So, I don't think it can work as Green Skin with Dispatch Faction.