Unit 1 礼仪祝辞(Ceremonial Speech)
Section Ⅰ:英汉互译
终身成就 Lifetime achievement
简明扼要 concise
Narrative poem 叙事诗
Natural impulse天然的冲动
Extraneous 无关的
Lyric poem 抒情诗
Domestic life 家庭生活
compulsive reader 乐于读书的人
Paperback 平装本
Hardback 精装本
Tension 紧张
condense 提炼/精简
Dangers under the surface 潜伏的危险
get at 表达
something serious 正儿八经的事儿
Small moment captured善于捕捉细微的瞬间
罗斯利利奖的终身成就奖 Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, given for lifetime achievements。
当我读你的诗歌时,我发现了你一贯的风格,简明扼要… When I read your poets, there’s a……
注:省略了发现。我理解为作者一贯的风格是本身就存在在她的诗歌当中的。客观的表达比主观的,I noticed you. 更加精确。此句后面的三个形容作者风格的此都是用的同样的属性。把对细微的捕捉变为了被动。capture the small moments=small moments captured
我通常不会过问诗人这个问题。I don’t usually get to ask this of poets.
I want a certain kind of impact on the reader ,the sort of condensed energy that can then go out.前后两者的指代一致,可以糅合在一起翻译:给读者一种冲击,一种凝聚能量的冲击领域知识:
罗斯利里诗歌奖Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize (RLPP)
(1) 汉译英词组译法:
博大精深 extensive and profound
儒家 Confucianism
道家 Taoism
诸子百家 the masters’ hundred schools
和而不同 harmony without uniformity
天下兴亡、匹夫有责 everybody is responsible for the rise or fall of the country
民为邦本people are the foundation of the country
民贵君轻 people are more important than the monarch
己所不欲,勿施于人 don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you
温饱 meet the basic needs for food ,clothing and shelter
小康 a well-off standard of living
源远流长 starts far back and runs a long, long course
经济水平a level of economic development
仁爱Kindness and love in human relation
注重,强调lay stress on
天下为公 the world is for all
出现,产生emerged in
学说流派theory and doctrine
珍品precious ideas and qualities
待人之道the code of conduct
世代相传taught from generation to generation
吃苦耐劳long suffering and hard working
勤俭持家diligence and frugality in household management
尊师重道respecting teachers and valuing education
改革开放reform and opening-up
和平崛起a rising power dedicated to peace
我相信I am convinced that…
中国特色社会主义Socialism with Chinese characteristics
巨大的财富Tremendous wealth
为……做出贡献Contributed to
城市和农村地区Urban and rural areas
长期艰苦奋斗Take the sustained hard work
制定,放下lay down
全面in all round way
中华人民共和国the people’s republic of China
可见和不可预测的困难foreseeable and unpredictable difficulty
实现我们的雄心壮志achieve our ambitious goals
社会急剧大变动的时代the middle of a period of drastic social change
“天下兴亡、匹夫有责”的爱国情操:爱国(情操)在“天下兴亡、匹夫有责”中体现的patriotism as embodied in the saying “Everybody is responsible for the rise of fall of the country”
承继先贤,泽被后世 Do credit to our forebears and bring benefit to our posterity
以及很多其他也在中国思想史上有地位的学说流派 theories and doctrines that figured predominantly in the history of Chinese thought.
有许多人民性和民主性的好东西:which is essentially populist and democratic
(2) 英译中词组译法:
prevention of conflicts 预防冲突
Centennial Nobel Peace Prize 诺贝尔百年和平奖
Centenary 百年纪念(n.)
Apartheid 种族隔离
sacrifice and commitment 牺牲和贡献
agent 推动者
bronze salutations to heroic battles 颂扬英勇战役的铜雕
archways of triump 凯旋门
pantheon of victory 胜利殿堂
mission of peace 和平的使命
live up to 配得上,不辜负
Senegal 赛尔内加 Kosovo 科索沃 Ecuador 厄瓜多尔
civilian police 民警
World Food Program 世界粮食计划署
securing real and lasting improvement in the lives of individual men and women is the measure of all we do at the UN.
注:注意断句;real在此是真正而不是真实。The measure of: 是….的衡量标准
For me, as a young African beginning his career in the United Nations a few months later, those two men set a standard that I have sought to follow throughout my working life.我是几个月后在联合过开始职业生涯的一名非洲青年,对我来说,这两人确立了我在整个工作生涯中一直努力依循的标准。
set a standard that one have sought to follow:确立了某人一直努力依循的标准
my colleagues who have devoted their lives - and in many instances risked or given their lives in the cause of peace.全心全意地工作、在许多情况下为和平事业冒着生命危险甚至奉献出生命的同事。devoted:全心全意的
in many instances:译成“在很多情况下”更符合中文语言表达习惯,而不是“多次”
who taught me and guided me: 转换成四字格名词:“他们是我的良师益友”
What it does have is the Nobel Prize - a statement of hope and courage with unique resonance and authority.
Dag Hammarskjold:达格哈马舍尔德:瑞典人,联合国第二人秘书长,曾来华协助解决中美关系,也是第一个访问新中国的秘书长。1961年在赴刚果途中,因飞机失事遇难。
Albert Luthuli:艾伯特?约翰?卢图利(1898-1967)南非非洲人国民大会(African National Congress)主席,黑人解放运动领袖。因提倡甘地式的非暴力斗争(Non-violent campaign),1961年荣获诺贝尔和平奖。
Section Ⅲ:口译技巧
(1) 口译操练填空练习
Durable wisdom::持久的智慧
Repose:休息,静止,睡眠 //years of repose/sabbatical
(2) 段落口译:汉译英1
中美关系:Sino-US relations
上海亚太经合组织会议期间:during the APEC meetings in Shanghai
深入讨论:In-depth discussion
取得共识:Reach consensus
双边关系:Bilateral relations
(3) 段落口译:汉译英2
21世纪国际城市建设和环境会议:The International Conference on Urban Construction and the Environment for the 21stCentury
在金秋10月:during this golden month of October
联合国人类住区委员会:United Nations Center for Human Settlements
中国建设部:The Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China
尊贵的来宾: Honorable guests:
Section Ⅳ:口译操练
环境改善方面的瞩目成就noticeable achievements regarding of the city’s environment
进入一个新千年:enter a new millennium [m??l?ni?m]
回顾过去,展望未来:retrospect [‘r?tr?sp?kt] the past and looking into the future
协调……和……:Reconcile[‘r?k?nsa?l]……and ……
都市化和工业化:urbanization and industrialization (工业化的名词我是之后才想到,不是第一时间想到,说明不熟悉)
生态恶化:ecological [‘ik?’lɑd??kl] deterioration [d?,t?r??’re??n] n. 恶化;退化;堕落
Regeneration: [rid??n?’re??n] n. [生物][化学][物] 再生,重生;重建
加剧A和B的矛盾:intensify contradiction [,kɑntr?’d?k??n]Between A and B
把……作为首要任务之一:put……as one of its priorities
人口爆炸:population explosion(这个我练习到后来突然想起来可以这样直接翻译,反正不知道为啥,之前一直没想到
起步晚:be initially slow to (develop)
无情的掠夺:endless exploitation
……的高尚行为:Noble undertaking of……
联合举办:co-sponsored by
中国是四大文明古国之一。China is one of the four countries with an ancient civilization.(用with短语)
安居乐业:If one has a comfortable home, it is easier for him to concentrate on work.(这句关键是理解,先家舒服了,工作才能快乐)
今天,由联合人类住区委员会、中华人民共和国建设部和成都市政府联合举办的程度21世纪城市开发和环境国际会议为我们提供了相互学习、交流合作的机会。Today, the Chengdu International Conference on Urban Construction and the Environmental for the 21st Century, co-sponsored by the United Nations Center for Human Settlements, the Ministry of Construction of the PRC, provides us a chance for learning from each other, exchange odes, and co-operates.
在(通过)正确处理人类和自然地关系解决环境问题的基础上,实现经济和社会的可持续发展,这是人类面临的共同任务。It is a common task facing mankind to achieve economic and social sustainable development on the basis of solving the environmental problems by dealing with the relationship between mankind and nature properly.// 句子从后往前翻,一句话就可以串联起来。
Section Ⅴ.篇章口译
America’s Teacher of the Year:美国年度最佳教师
Exemplify the best in teaching:教学的典范
Defy/beyond description:难以描述的
过人的天赋 immense talents (无限光明的未来,immensely bright future)
There are few careers that have such a lasting effect on an entire generation and an entire nation.
It’s quiet overwhelming to be recognized for something that you love to do.
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