- 字符串的定义和输出:
# 使用单引号定义字符串
string1 = 'Hello World!'
print(string1) # 输出:Hello World!
# 使用双引号定义字符串
string2 = "Python is awesome!"
print(string2) # 输出:Python is awesome!
- 字符串的索引和切片:
string = "Hello World!"
# 使用索引获取字符串中的单个字符
print(string[0]) # 输出:H
print(string[6]) # 输出:W
# 使用切片获取字符串中的部分字符
print(string[1:5]) # 输出:ello
print(string[:5]) # 输出:Hello
print(string[6:]) # 输出:World!
- 字符串的拼接:
string1 = "Hello"
string2 = "World!"
string3 = string1 + " " + string2
print(string3) # 输出:Hello World!
- 字符串的长度:
string = "Hello World!"
length = len(string)
print(length) # 输出:12
- 字符串的格式化:
name = "Alice"
age = 25
height = 165.5
print("My name is %s, I'm %d years old, and my height is %.1f cm." % (name, age, height))
# 输出:My name is Alice, I'm 25 years old, and my height is 165.5 cm.