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nanyue 2024-07-19 23:59:07 技术文章 8 ℃

1 输入、缓冲

When the user enters input in response to an extraction operation, that data is placed in a buffer inside of std::cin. A buffer (also called a data buffer) is simply a piece of memory set aside for storing data temporarily while it’s moved from one place to another. In this case, the buffer is used to hold user input while it’s waiting to be extracted to variables.



When the extraction operator is used, the following procedure happens:


If there is data already in the input buffer, that data is used for extraction.


If the input buffer contains no data, the user is asked to input data for extraction (this is the case most of the time). When the user hits enter, a ‘\n’ character will be placed in the input buffer.


operator>> extracts as much data from the input buffer as it can into the variable (ignoring any leading whitespace characters, such as spaces, tabs, or ‘\n’).


Any data that can not be extracted is left in the input buffer for the next extraction.



	char ch;
	cout<<"enter a sentence:"<<endl;


2 合法性检查

The process of checking whether user input conforms to what the program is expecting is called input validation.


We can generally separate input text errors into four types:


Input extraction succeeds but the input is meaningless to the program (e.g. entering ‘k’ as your mathematical operator).



Input extraction succeeds but the user enters additional input (e.g. entering ‘*q hello’ as your mathematical operator).

输入提取成功,但用户输入了其他输入(例如,输入“*q hello”作为数学运算符)。


Input extraction fails (e.g. trying to enter ‘q’ into a numeric input.the text is left in the buffer, and std::cin goes into “failure mode”.)



Input extraction succeeds but the user overflows a numeric value.




#include <iostream>)
double getDouble()
    while (true) // Loop until user enters a valid input
        std::cout << "Enter a double value: ";
        double x;
        std::cin >> x;
        // Check for failed extraction
        if (std::cin.fail()) // has a previous extraction failed?
            // yep, so let's handle the failure
            std::cin.clear(); // put us back in 'normal' operation mode
            std::cin.ignore(32767,'\n'); // and remove the bad input
            std::cout << "Oops, that input is invalid.  Please try again.\n";
            std::cin.ignore(32767,'\n'); // remove any extraneous input
            // the user can't enter a meaningless double value, so we don't need to worry about validating that
            return x;
char getOperator()
    while (true) // Loop until user enters a valid input
        std::cout << "Enter one of the following: +, -, *, or /: ";
        char op;
        std::cin >> op;
        // Chars can accept any single input character, so no need to check for an invalid extraction here
        std::cin.ignore(32767,'\n'); // remove any extraneous input
        // Check whether the user entered meaningful input
        if (op == '+' || op == '-' || op == '*' || op == '/')    
            return op; // return it to the caller
        else // otherwise tell the user what went wrong
            std::cout << "Oops, that input is invalid.  Please try again.\n";
    } // and try again
void printResult(double x, char op, double y)
    if (op == '+')
        std::cout << x << " + " << y << " is " << x + y << '\n';
    else if (op == '-')
        std::cout << x << " - " << y << " is " << x - y << '\n';
    else if (op == '*')
        std::cout << x << " * " << y << " is " << x * y << '\n';
    else if (op == '/')
        std::cout << x << " / " << y << " is " << x / y << '\n';
    else // Being robust means handling unexpected parameters as well, even though getOperator() guarantees op is valid in this particular program
        std::cout << "Something went wrong: printResult() got an invalid operator.";
int main()
    double x = getDouble();
    char op = getOperator();
    double y = getDouble();
    printResult(x, op, y);
    return 0;


As you write your programs, consider how users will misuse your program, especially around text input. For each point of text input, consider:


Could extraction fail?


Could the user enter more input than expected?


Could the user enter meaningless input?


Could the user overflow an input?


You can use if statements and boolean logic to test whether input is expected and meaningful.


3 输入输出相关函数总结

4 文件输入输出相关函数总结


